Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Unexpected Joy

The other day, I chanced upon Atreya's to-do list that he must have made before he left for Taiwan. Among several must do items like getting specs fixed and mailing universities was this- Play board games with Aloka. This 19-year old young man thinks of and plans for spending time with his little sister even when busy with hundred things.

Yesterday, Aloka came to me and said she was feeling very sad because when Atreya had made her a drawing, she had said she did not like it. Atreya left for Taiwan last week, so this incident must have happened at least a week ago. I don't know what triggered the memory, but my little girl looked really pained by how she had behaved with her brother and wanted to say sorry to him. The fact that he is unreachable by phone for another three days made her feel worse.

The love between this brother and sister is strange and unique and ever evolving. It fills my heart with unexpected joy.

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