Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A pair of Eyes, A Grateful Heart!

Written on April 13, 2018

Today, sunlight is sparkling in the leaves. Butterflies are coming out of bushes in hordes and leading our way. Hundreds of them. Jacoranda and silver oaks are turning the roadsides purple and golden. Kachnar flowers are reminding me that pink, my least favourite of colours, is indeed something divine when framed against the blue sky.
What a beautiful world. All you need are a pair of eyes and a grateful heart!

Written on April 13, 2017

Today, as we drove back from Palampur, I did not stop the car even once to take pictures. The beauty passing by was so breathtaking that I was almost paralyzed.

The white wild-rose creepers were in full bloom all along the way- their flowers so ordinary individually, but so stunning as a group. The large white and pink kachnar flowers would appear in clusters and overshadow everything else with their fullness. The bougainvillea flowers in red and magenta were as if pouring out from homes on to the road. Bright red and orange roses were calling my attention here and there. Pine trees had new cones, barely formed and still green, but standing upright. Bottle brush trees were more red than green. Some big tall trees had clusters of very fine, very delicate pink flowers. The green, so much green, in so many shades. And the butterflies, plain white and yellow butterflies, flying everywhere!
I don't think I uttered my famous "wow" even once. The "wow" had permeated inside me. I was mesmerized by what nature was displaying proudly.
I quietly, and very gratefully, enjoyed the show put up especially for me.

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