The best part of being on sabbatical was the time I got to spend with Atreya and Aloka. And of that time, the most fun was everyday between 11:45 to 11:55am, just before Aloka left for her school. I spent those 10 minutes doing her hair!
Major decision making had to happen everyday- which hairbands and hair clips will best match, shall we go for a single ponytail, two ponytails or a just clips, should the ponytails be high (like cows in Aloka's words) or placed low etc.
Here are some of the styles I made and captured on camera. Click each to see a larger view.

Major decision making had to happen everyday- which hairbands and hair clips will best match, shall we go for a single ponytail, two ponytails or a just clips, should the ponytails be high (like cows in Aloka's words) or placed low etc.
Here are some of the styles I made and captured on camera. Click each to see a larger view.

Great Puja, want to download all the photos. She is a darling indeed. It must be fun.